Why Contesting the Election Was Necessary

For the last few weeks, liberals have been furious that President Trump dared to demand recounts for the election, seeking to deny the President any chance of a recount…

It’s one of their biggest mistakes in recent history…

In fact, the work that Trump’s team has put in to organize recounts across the country is necessary for a healthy democracy. Here’s why.

First and foremost, America, unlike ANY other country in the world, is built on the principle that your vote counts. That we, the people, know more than they, the kings, the elites…

I think you’ll agree with me that it’s our true commitment to freedom that keeps America great, the strongest country in the world.

So when there’s any doubt at all about whether our votes are being counted correctly

The thing is, when you bring in electronics that no one’s legally allowed to investigate, there’s always going to be uncertainty – there’s no way to know what’s really going on.

And believe me, no matter what they want you to think, this isn’t a new issue! Just think back to the last few elections…

In 2016, liberals were convinced that Trump couldn’t have beaten Hillary fairly… They demanded recounts – and there’s nothing wrong with doing that!

The problem only started later, when they still couldn’t accept their defeat. They came up with the bizarre idea of Russiagate, claiming that mysterious operatives had somehow convinced millions of Americans about what to think.

Even earlier than 2016, people were asking questions about whether voting machines were trustworthy… 

And again, it’s not just one side asking those questions – even though the liberal media wants you to believe it’s only Trump supporters who want the answers about the machines.

In 2012, videos showed votes for Obama switching to Romney for no reason… Similar reports from all sides came out in 2008, 2004 – ever since the introduction of electronic voting machines.

The fact is, voting machines may seem convenient, but they risk undermining faith in our democracy. 

We need a system that makes sure that every American voter knows that their ballot has been fairly counted – demanding recounts is fundamentally important for ensuring fair, free and honest elections!

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